Life Resilience meets with the General Directorate of Agricultural and Plant Health

The Life Resilience communication team met on monday 1st of July with Valentín Almansa (General Directorate of Health of Agricultural Production) and José María Cobos (General Subdirectorate of Plant and Forest Health and Hygiene) to present the progress of the project .

They have shown their interest and the need to gather all the information related to the research on Xylella fastidiosa that exists in Spain nowadays.

From the Ministry of Agriculture they stress the need for cooperation between scientific organizations, Administrations and Member States of the European Union, to undertake the fight and control of Xylella fastidiosa, one of the most harmful phytopathogenic bacteria for crops as important as citrus ,  almond tree or olive grove.

Before the appearance of cases of Xylella fastidiosa in the European Union, in 2015 the Spanish Ministry launched, with the support of the Autonomous Communities, a National Contingency Plan that included a Surveillance Program for the early detection of the bacteria.