Pedro Valverde, a member of the UCOLIVO Group of the University of Córdoba, represented the European project LIFE Resilience in the conference «Exchange experiences between Operational Groups and Innovative Projects in Agricultural Genetic Improvement» of the National Rural Network, held on December 16, 2020, presenting the genetic improvement that the project has achieved to face climate change.
During the meeting, Operational Groups, innovative projects, research centers, companies, cooperatives and other actors with an interest in implementing the results obtained, reproducing the projects in other territories or forming part of a new group or future project met.
The specific objectives for this meeting were to put in contact with actors who are facing similar problems through innovation to facilitate the transfer of results obtained by measure 16 of the PDRs and the PNDR, so as to promote the generation of new ideas and that projects and solutions tested in one area are implemented in others.
In addition, the visibility of the results of these projects was increased, bringing them closer to the territory.