Seminar on Control of Xylella fastidiosa in Spain

On 28 June, the Campus of International Excellence in Agri-Food ceiA3 presents the results of the research project ‘Development of strategies for the eradication, containment and control of Xylella fastidiosa in Spain’ initiated in 2017 and funded by the State Research Agency through INIA and the Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva Español. A project with six blocks of work in which more than 50 researchers from 14 Spanish and 3 foreign institutions have participated.

The presentation can be followed in person or online. Attendance is free with prior registration (registration in PRESENT mode closed).

Date: Tuesday 28 June 2022
Place: Auditorium of the Fundación Caja Rural del SUR. Centro Cultural ‘José Luis García Palacios’ C/ de la Radio number 1. 14006 Córdoba (entrance by Av. de la Libertad)
